Category Archives: Outdoor Activities

It’s Not All About Fitness And Nutrition

The focus on living a healthy lifestyle is generally on fitness and nutrition. But probably the most important aspect is the mind. Waking up refreshed (sleep is important), and having an overall positive attitude (regardless of the crap life slings at you) is the best medicine to staying on the healthy lifestyle path.

Having an escape/outlet from your normal daily routine is a great way to recharge. I think exercise is a great outlet, but I’m excluding that in this discussion. For some people taking a vacation is that outlet, or maybe just taking a drive. Going to the movies or a drive-in, or spending a day at the beach. Stop by your local museum or art gallery, or for some even shopping does the trick (I love shopping).

My wife and I bought a camping trailer a few years ago. We both grew up camping, and now with our children out of the house we wanted camping to be our escape. It takes us to new locations where we can explore. We can relax around a campfire. We sit in the trailer at night and talk or watch TV or play a game. As much as we like to travel and stay in hotels, nothing beats our camper because it’s ours and it feels like home.


If you don’t have an escape/outlet, and feel “trapped” in that thing they call a rut, go out and find something you will do and enjoy on a regular basis. It will refresh you, and then you’ll be better armed to faced that upcoming dreaded work week (unless you’re retired).